Monday, December 27, 2010

stuck at the airport

The travel headlines the last week or so put the spotlight on one of the worst parts of flying: flight delays.  Ughh.  This brought back my experience flying back home to San Francisco from Cancun, Mexico through Houston.  My friend and I got to Houston all right, but then a ginormous storm socked the Houston area and grounded all flights.  Probably what was most frustrating was the information, or lack of it, from the airline people at the boarding gate.  The information was that the flight was delayed 45 minutes because of weather.  Then after 45 minutes, the delay was going to be another hour.  Then when the storm cleared there was another delay for unknown reasons for another hour.  This went on for 6 frickin hours!  It turned out that they (Continental/United Airlines) couldn't find a pilot because supposedly there were delays at other airports in flying him in.  Good grief.  We finally boarded the plane sometime around 12:30 a.m. and then waited yet another hour before the plane took off for the 4-hour flight to San Fran. Okay, it could have been worse, we could have already boarded and then got grounded when the storm hit. We finally got in around 4 in the morning and for me, it was another 3-hour drive back home to Sacramento where I was living at the time. 

After  that dreadful experience I vowed never to fly again. Well, at least not on United and not through Houston. The hours-long wait in the plastic airport chairs did not do wonders for my back.  There is absolutely no way to get comfortable in those things.  Would it be that much of a financial burden for the airports to outfit the waiting area with comfortable chairs??  I swear, if people could get comfy and maybe get a little shut eye, it would go a looonngg way toward soothing delay frustration.  Some people were lying on the floor, but they were sort of in the isles and exposed to getting stepped on.  Here's my list of do's and dont's when stuck at the airport:

1. Do try to be flexible with your flight plans.  Our flight to San Francisco was delayed, but other flights were taking off for San Jose and Sacramento.  Since I lived in Sacramento, we could have flown there, stayed at my place for the night, then figured out a way to get my friend down to the Bay Area where she lived, which is about 85 miles away.  My friend's boyfriend would probably have driven up there.  Yes, it was a reach, but sometimes anything is better than being stuck at the airport.  We also could have flown to San Jose, and had her boyfriend pick us up there.  But to get those flights, go to the gate where they are departing!  Don't rely on the information from the airline personnel working at your gate.

2. Call the airline for information about re-booking a flight.  You might get a better deal than the one you would get from airline at the airport.

3. Don't consume alcohol.  Yes, it is tempting to down the booze thinking that somehow this will help the situation.  It doesn't.  I made the mistake of drinking too much of the Houston airport house white wine and ended up feeling sick to my stomache the entire flight home.

4. Don't take out your frustrations on the airline personnel.  Yes, they might be giving you bogus information.  Yes they could be more courteous.  Yes they are wrong and you are right.  Whatever.  If you give them lip, they can confescate your ticket and throw you off the flight, even call the police.

5. Don't eat the airport food while you are waiting.  See number 3.

6. Do be nice to the flight attendants when you finally board the plane.  Remember, its been a long night for them, too, and to make matters worse, they have to work the next 4 or more hours. 

That's all the suggestions I have; its not much is it?  If I had some money to throw around, I would join an airline club or whatever they are called and hang out in the VIP lounge! Let me know if you have any other ideas how to make the airport wait more bearable.

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