Saturday, December 18, 2010

Fun on the run

Hello fellow travel gurls or guys! This blog is mostly aimed at the ladies who want to get out there and explore, but their husbands or boyfriends would rather stay home and play fantasy sports.  Or you gurls might find yourselves happily single, but your friends are too broke, too busy, or too whatever to take that trip to Spain that you've always wanted go on.  Maybe your travelling companions could be your wonderful children, but do you really want to be "mom" on vacation?  You been dreaming since time out of mind about all the exotic places you want to see, but travelling on your own?  Forget it!  Who would you talk to?  Is is safe?  Would you get lonely?  What would you do in a foreign country all by your little ol' self?  Let me assure you, solo travel turns about to be anything but solo!  You can't help meet people, and if you follow the same safety rules in a foreign location as you do in your own hometown, you should be okay.  You can always plan a trip around an event if you think you wouldn't know what to do.  Just the other day I was reading about surf school vacations in Costa Rica.  That sounded like a blast!  That's the kind of thing that you could do on your own, but you'd also be with fellow surf students. 

In the coming months I'll be posting my various and sundry solo adventure experiences, whether they involve an exotic location, something in the States, or something just around the corner here in San Diego.  I'll let you know about travel bargains for the solo traveller, give you lots of ideas for places to see, and some first-hand information about travelling with singles groups. (Hint: that's a fantastic way to get introduced into travelling on your own.)

I'm also going to use this blog to rave or complain about anything and everything related to traveling, like travel products, airlines, airports.  I might go rouge and talk about a random topic or two.  For example, when I came back from my most recent adventure to the Midwest, which I'll blog about later, I discovered that my cat had barfed in the closet on the nice white carpet.  Why she has to barf on the carpet and not the tile kitchen or hallway is a mystery to me, but I digress.  The mess had been there for awhile and had become encrusted with a disgusting yellow stain.  I'll spare you more details, but the point of this story is to tell you about a great, I mean GREAT product for cleaning the cat barf stains.  It's Woolite Oxy Deep Power Shot, and I'll tell you, I have tried a lot of products for this problem and Woolite really delivers and removes new and old stains from the carpet.  I got it at Home Depot.  And just so you know, I don't have any stock in Woolite and no one paid me to say that!!  But just thought I would pass that along because, yes, it really really works.

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